Tag Archives: car security

Freezing your car keys can freeze the thieves

We've all heard about hiding our valuables in the freezer but now it appears that putting your car keys in the freezer might protect you from having your car broken into or stolen. Recently, there have been a number of articles popping up over the internet describing new methods that thieves use to unlock cars with … Continue Reading ››

Northcote and Thornbury hot spots for car theft

Northcote and Thornbury have hit the top 20 suburbs in Melbourne for car theft.  In the 12 months to April 2014, 192 vehicles were stolen with 50 still missing. According to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council, most of the cars stolen were pre-2001 vehicles and probably didn't have Continue Reading ››

Police work on car theft prevention in Brunswick, Coburg, Glenroy

Today, police across Brunswick, Coburg and Glenroy are hitting the streets and carparks as part of Operation Aware,  a campaign to educate owners about car theft prevention.  Operation Aware involves police patrolling carparks at railway stations and shopping centres checking for unlocked vehicles, and leaving valuables such as handbags … Continue Reading ››