Local police are currently warning motorists that thieves are targeting Watsonia railway station carpark. Most of the break-ins are occuring during the working week when the majority of cars are parked for the entire day.
Here’s a few tips on how you can protect your car from theft when out and about.
- Never leave your keys in the ignition. Even if you are just dashing quickly into a shop or back into the house while your car’s in the driveway. Thieves are always looking for these kinds of opportunities.
- Close all windows and lock all doors before leaving the car. With hot weather coming on, it may be tempting to leave windows open just a crack to stop the car from heating up as much but this could be the opening a thief needs to break-in.
- Don’t leave valuables within view, lock them in your boot or take them with you. It’s easy to forget about the satnav, a mobile phone in a cradle or even loose change but these are all tempting to a thief.
- Don’t hide spare car keys anywhere on the car. Stands to reason, if you’ve thought about where to hide a spare key then so has a thief.
- Consider investing in some extra security for your car or ute.
- Car alarm systems are more sophisticated these days and don’t result in noisy sirens going off when a cat jumps on the bonnet.
- Most modern cars are already fitted with immobilisers but you can get them installed.
- Other possible security measures include bonnet locks, vehicle monitoring & tracking devices and window etching (VIN).
Hey, thanks for posting this 🙂